Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Journal Sentinel Agrees That Legislating For One Land-Filler Is Bad Practice

Reasoned argument.

You'd think that Walker would be looking for a way out of this special interest trap - - one which he dug himself - - to allow a major donor to build a building on a wetlands parcel near Lambeau Field in Green Bay without finishing a permit process still being reviewed.

The conservation group Wisconsin Wildlife Federation - - notably not, Walker or his corporatist DNR - - suggested something novel - - a meeting among all parties - - as a way to get the issue resolved with face-saving all around.

Good for the WWF, as I'd said earlier.


Anonymous said...

You'd think that Walker would also be concerned about the serious appearance of impropriety with the Plale hiring situation after the press call for Plale to resign, but apparently, "reasoning," is not a term synonymous with any activity yet, from Walker's administration.

I'm simply waiting for the latest official count on new jobs (other than the ONE for Mr Plale) being created with such an improved climate for business.


Anonymous said...

Hi. As you know our media here is crap, while the same garbage is recycled daily and Sarah Palin's every grunt is top story - things are happening, a recent Internet usage ruling in Canada is probably one thing we should be forewarned about, but we are not. I hate to suggest "censorship" but it seems far-fetched that big media does not know about this and has no vested interest in keeping it quiet. I have no idea if perhaps Amy Goodman has covered this or not, I don't see her every day.
IN addition, I am in no position personally to evaluate this, or make a definitive judgment on it. However it seems highly cautionary. people should probably start looking into this ruling. It is called Usage Based Billing-UBB. It was suggested by Bell and was eventually approved. It seems like Canadians that I have contact with are highly upset about this, and feel it will change the Internet as they experience it, turning in it into a highly packaged and over-controlled product like Cable TV. On my blog I have posted a copy of an official communication that is being sent out to consumers by one Canadian ISP about the new rates and usage caps.
Think about that - Usage Caps on your Internet. Quoting form that ISP e-mail - "We encourage you to monitor your usage carefully, as the CRTC has imposed a very high overage rate, above your new monthly limit"

Check it out yourself, draw your own conclusions or pass this info on to other people, preferably to someone who is able to judge this scenario (or if you have pals in the Party or Government!)and how it might impact US users if implemented here

Thanks, sorry if you perceive this as spam, I've dropped this on a couple of bloggers, it seems important to me to spread the word, and I'm not really what you'd call "well-connected"

Boxer said...


I don't think Walker et al give a rat's a** about what the public thinks--much less about the appearance of impropriety--when they have proven in word and deed that they are ruthlessly moving to jam their agenda down the throats of our state and its citizens, no matter what.

To h*** with the law, with precedent, with reason, with science, with public opinion, with anything or anyone which could stand in their way.

PS: You can't count the Plale job as one created because it existed previously (at least I think it did.) Walker just filled it with a person who will Yes Sir! him all of the time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your assessment, completely. I am not up on the latest snark or sarcasm tags for the comments I posted. Sorry about that.

As the state Assembly has basically abdicated their legislative mandate to govern by handing the rules making procedures to the Governor, Walker's next move could be to simply dismiss them, send then home, claw back their per diems, salaries, health insurance and pensions and let them go looking for some actual employment like many of the rest of us. Peace


Anonymous said...

Oops, my last comment was a response to Boxer.

Sending the Assembly home, as I suggested, would erase quite a bit of that nasty projected budget deficit and those dreadful unsustainable future costs to the state in funding and paying out their pensions.


Boxer said...


I didn't mean to be nasty to you. I was just riffing off of your comment. Anger you detected was directed toward Walker, etc.

Let's leave the Republicans to the nasty high/low? ground. It's always a losing proposition to try to out-mean them.

One idea for saving huge amounts of money in state government would be to cut the bloated salaries of the management team: Stepp, Maroney, Gunderson, Plale, etc. C'mon now. Is Jeff Plale really worth $90.000/year? Just for his excellent carpet-purchasing skills?

Those are the salaries that should be cut--before administrative assistants and the like, people who depend on their jobs to live.