I Suppose The Climate Change Deniers Will Say This Is Faked, Too
Are we satisfied now?
A forum, news site and archive begun in February, 2007 about politics and the environment in Wisconsin. And elsewhere.
Are we satisfied now?
Posted by
James Rowen
12:38 PM
At least we now know that Phil Jones has something of a conscience regarding the farce he has been perpetuating.
Pretty much all the commentary posted in response to the article you linked to is along the lines of what Anon Jim burped up.
They say that he's a liar and deserves to suffer for his sins.
I guess you read a different article.
That was my way of saying AJ read into the article something that wasn't there.
Excuse me, but how does the fact that he is upset he got caught faking data prove his global warming claims?
In other words, what Ralph said.
I guess it's lucky for us liberals and Church of the Climate Change believers that Phil Jones did not kill himself.
As he is the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH perpetuating this fraudulent science, if he'd gone through with his suicide, there would be NO ONE REMAINING to talk about climate change anymore . . .
And Anon Jim, Ralph Malf, and little Jimmie Imhofe all lived happily ever after in the Land of Denial, where if you don't believe it, it just must not be true.
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