Friday, February 28, 2014

N. WI Mine Chief Charged In Spain With Environmental Crimes

It has taken a while for mainstream media to pick up what the blogosphere has been broadcasting, but the Journal Sentinel today notes that GTac mining chief up North has been charged with breaking environmental laws in Spain when he ran a huge, controversial and polluting mine there.

A black eye for GTac and the Walkerites who have pushed the mine as a safe project.


Anonymous said...

so why would this have any bearing on the GTAC project in Wisconsin? Wacko environmental groups file frivolous lawsuits all the time and this is probably another such case.

Anonymous said...

This isn't a "whacko environmental group." This is the Spanish government and Seville City Hall pressing criminal charges. And there is nothing frivolous about it when the crime is so obvious it's visible from aerial photos of the mine.

Anonymous said...

this whole story is fueled totally by environmentalists and nothing will out come of it, just like the rest of their claims.

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, son. This guy is accused of CRIMINAL offenses, it's not some lawsuit by some random person. And sticking your fingers in your ears shouting "LALALALA!" doesn't change that reality

Anonymous said...

"this whole story is fueled totally by environmentalists"

This story is fueled by the fact that Bill Williams poisoned an important water source for a major Spanish city.

Anonymous said...

anyone who believes that the president of GTAC is going to go to jail in Spain also believe that Scott Walker is not going run for president due to the emails and that our coldest winter on record is due to global warming.

Anonymous said...

"anyone who believes that the president of GTAC is going to go to jail"

I don't necessarily believe he's going to go to jail. But it's pretty clear at this point he has in fact comitted crimes in Spain, and that the people near the proposed Penokees mine have good reason to be concerned that he will pollute the water around there as well.

But yes, thanks to Wisconsin turning into a corrupt outpost of the third world, there's a high likelihood that he will do this again and get away with it.