Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Coverage: Erik Gunn Takes A Look

I pass along Erik Gunn's fine look at how labor is covered by local media.

Erik's quote from Steve Hannah at the old Journal where we all worked about not wanting just a strike reporter made me chuckle.

Hannah hired me as Economics reporter in 1983, but on my first day at the paper, the editors had an argument right in front of me about whether I would be Economics reporter, or Labor reporter, and whether I would work for the Business desk or the Metro desk.

In the end, Metro prevailed - - and I was Labor reporter, and I did cover a lot of strikes because that's what was happening, at Briggs & Stratton, Kohler, Miller Brewing and Pabst. Forgive me if I've confused or forgotten some.

After I went onto other beats and assignments, the Labor reporter was moved to the Business desk, where Erik worked.

I had thought that having the beat covered by Metro, and away from Business, was the best arrangement; Erik was an outstanding Labor reporter - - it didn't matter where he was based, as you can see from his fine reporting for Mil Mag.

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