More clean air double-talk from Walker's DNR
A release of opaque, bureaucratic smog by the p.r. shop at Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' WI DNR is making for haze over the Wisconsin political environment.
After hurriedly-awarding Foxconn permission in late April to emit annually 796 tons of smog-producing greenhouse gases and other airborne land-and-water contaminating toxins, then winning on May 1 from Trump's EPA exemptions for much of SE WI from stronger air quality rules, and finally a mere three days after the State of Illinois said on May 4th that it will sue over those Wisconsin clean air exemptions, the DNR's p.r. staff emitted its own spinning cloud:

After hurriedly-awarding Foxconn permission in late April to emit annually 796 tons of smog-producing greenhouse gases and other airborne land-and-water contaminating toxins, then winning on May 1 from Trump's EPA exemptions for much of SE WI from stronger air quality rules, and finally a mere three days after the State of Illinois said on May 4th that it will sue over those Wisconsin clean air exemptions, the DNR's p.r. staff emitted its own spinning cloud:
DNR highlights successes during Clean Air Month this May
Contact(s): Andrew Savagian, DNR communications, 608-261-6422
MADISON - Throughout the month of May, the Department of Natural Resources is highlighting clean air successes and reminding citizens that DNR is committed to clean air in Wisconsin.
Clean Air Month is held annually each May to recognize positive trends in air quality in Wisconsin. The DNR's Air Program provides information about air quality, tips for reducing air emissions and links for signing up for air quality notices....
[DNR Natural Resources Air Program director Gail] Good added that the DNR will continue to work with local, state and federal groups in order to attain all air quality standards.
The DNR website,, has many resources for reducing air emissions. To learn more about Clean Air Month and about voluntary actions to reduce air emissions, please visit the DNR's Do A Little Save a Lot web page.By the way, that "Do A Little Save a Lot" webpage linked above in the DNR's news release contains this paragraph:
Did you know that the average adult breathes about 20,000 times each day and that both children and the elderly face a greater risk of being affected by air pollution, as do people with heart, respiratory or other ailments. Our daily use of electricity and fuel contributes to air pollution. That means the choices we make every day can directly affect air quality and our health.In a May 1 posting of mine at the kickoff of the DNR's Clean Air Month, I included a link to lung association data showing that there are tens of thousands of Wisconsinites already at risk of heart, lung and respiratory diseases. from the American/Wisconsin Lung Associations had already graded Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee and Sheboygan Counties "F" for particulate (read: ozone) pollution, and more data show the thousands and thousands of Wisconsinites in those counties and elsewhere in the state already at risk from pediatric asthma, adult asthma, lung cancer and cardio-vascular disease.
So you tell me how the hot-off-the-presses Foxconn air pollution permits and the EPA clean air rule and enforcement rollback for SE WI will do anything but make things worse for current dirty air sufferers and future victims?
"Do A Little, Save a Lot?" Look in the mirror, Walker and your WMC-compliant, 'chamber of commerce mentality' DNR managers.

1 comment:
It's so hypocritical isn't it?
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