Sunday, July 7, 2013

Science, Citizen Input Ignored By Pro-Wolf Hunt DNR...

But religion, Scott Walker and bad math - - apparently the wolves are multiplying like rabbits - - prevailed when the agency and Natural Resources Board recently ramped up this year's kill by 37%, according to this report on the issue: 
Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, told me that if 10 people contact a legislator on an issue, that is a red flag. The DNR disclosed that 1,439 Wisconsin citizens wrote in to protest against the slaughter of our wolves. Zero wrote in to support the wolf hunt. 
William Bruins, a Walker-appointee dairy farmer, announced at the recent Natural Resources Board meeting in Wausau, “God created homo sapiens to be in charge.” 
Alice Miller, who drove several hundred miles to attend the meeting, said, “This is supposed to be about science, not some board member’s religion.” A board member told Miller that she had to vote for the quota “or Scott Walker would shut down the board.”
More information, here:
Part of the reason the DNR is allowing more wolves to be 'harvested' is that the Ojibwe, who consider the animal spiritually significant, left their allotment of permits idle last year and refused to do their share of 'harvesting.' 
So the authorities are working around the tribal no-show by simply increasing the total number of allowable kills. 


Anonymous said...

Kill simply for the sake of killing.........

....... that seems to be the intent when it comes to hunting the lesser of gods creatures and this RW nut jobs party.

They have now become the god, gays, guns and gynecology party.

Anonymous said...

So - lets buy wolf hunting permits and not use them.

Anonymous said...
