One Tweet About Zimmerman Verdict Worth Repeating
Michael Steele @Steele_Michael
Defense Atty:"if George Zimmerman were black, he never would have been charged with a crime" Is he high?
A forum, news site and archive begun in February, 2007 about politics and the environment in Wisconsin. And elsewhere.
Michael Steele @Steele_Michael
Posted by
James Rowen
10:03 PM
Possibly. The cops might have tasered him to death before they had a chance to charge him.
I meant that 'possibly' in response to the tweet, not the "Is he high" question.
But check out this chart, found at digby's.
not only is he factually wrong (the cops let Zimmerman go, and only brought charges after public outcry) but white-on-black crime is FAR more likely to go unpunished than black-on-white or black-on-black.
What's your racist point Zombie?
Where exactly does Zimmerman fit into some digby chart?
He's (Zimmerman) been branded by the media as a new race, "white hispanic". Now you imply, nope - he's white.
Do you call the President a white man? And by the way he had no freakin' business sticking his two cents in a leftist media built hype of a criminal case. Hand him yet what he deserves, another defeat.
See the wrong minded racism created by you leftists? Everything you judge is based color of one's skin.
See the wrong minded racism created by you leftists? Everything you judge is based color of one's skin.
You idiots have been trying this "Leftists are the REAL racists" for about a decade now.
It's not racist to acknowledge racism exists.
And there are more kinds of racism than white vs. black.
But I never said anything about whether GZ was white. However, apparently he is white enough to receive your defense.
So, how many innocent teenagers do YOU think is allowable for vigilantes to kill?
And why so Anonymous, Dagney? What are YOU scared of?
GZ was labeled in a racist fashion a "white-hispanic by the New York Times.
It's been written;
Zimmerman was called
White Hispanic
I don't buy your racist brand of B.S. Zombie.
Let's see how long it takes for the Federal Goverment to file a baseless racism lawsuit under Obama and Holder.
Turn your cheek George. The hand of racism is cocked and ready to swing.
I don't buy your racist brand of B.S. Zombie.
I don't see how you could, because it's not racism.
I haven't said anything at all about Zimmerman's heritage.
Vocabulary FAIL. Reading comprehension FAIL. I guess Walker is right, some of our public schools are failing our young trolls.
Why so Anonymous? What are you afraid of?
"not only is he factually wrong (the cops let Zimmerman go, and only brought charges after public outcry) but white-on-black crime is FAR more likely to go unpunished than black-on-white or black-on-black."
Are you referencing GZ as a white, or a hispanic when you brought up this race related point?
Not a racist, hey?
Are you referencing GZ as a white, or a hispanic when you brought up this race related point?
He self identifies as white. So does his whole family. Who am I to question?
But in any case, I was talking about the conjecture that Zimmerman was black, that was in the original tweet. Again, comprehension fail.
But why so scared, Anonymous? And what is the optimum number of innocent teenagers that we should allow to be murdered?
You're getting behind. Better pick a nym and power through the questions, son.
Also, your graduation will be dependent on an adequate definition of racism. So far, you're falling kind of short on that one also.
Protip: "Race related" =/= "racism"
That's to help you get started. Sometimes I like to help the slower students catch up.
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