Monday, September 3, 2012

The GOP's Labor Day Messages

From Mitt Romney: "I like being able to fire people."

And as Scott Walker put it: "Divide and conquer."

Or: "I've got a [Louisville] slugger in my office with my name on it," and as for inserting provocateurs into a pro-labor crowds: "We thought of that..."

Or 'After a year-and-a-half, only 230,000 jobs to go.'


Kevin said...

My personal favorite is the one from the DNC Convention: "PAY NO ATTENTION TO US GETTING TOGETHER IN A "RIGHT-TO-WORK" STATE!"

Jake formerly of the LP said...

You missed one, James. And it's on one of the issues GOPs use to distract blue-collar folks from the fact they're being screwed over in the workplace.

Scott Walker at GOP convention: "No [crazy shootouts], we've had none of the hysteria people, none of the bad things we talked about."

Apparently several Sikhs don't count in Walker World.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Eric Cantor, who thinks Labor Day is all about the bosses (


Anonymous said...

What about Obama putting on those comfortable shoes to walk the protest lines?