Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Scott Walker's $4.5 Million Going-Away Present To Milwaukee Taxpayers

Illegally enforced furlough days cost taxpayers $4.5 million.

And it's not the only Governenance-by FUBAR Walker left behind - - not counting the costs of the John Doe probe and its unfolding legal drama.


Betsey said...

Care to add the cost of the Talgo departure? I know that the train was cancelled as Scooter became governator, but didn't the City spend $3 million to clean up the Talgo site, $3 million that the city won't be getting back?

It would be fun--and I say this without having ANY idea of how to get this information or put it up on your website--to have a running total of how much Walker has cost the city, the county and the state with his bone-headed policies.

Anonymous said...

The train was another Solyndra. Thank you Scott Walker for stopping the bleeding.

A. Wag said...

Nothing was bleeding until Walker stabbed it.