Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Maybe A Good Thing That Limbaugh Got "False," Not "Pants On Fire"

The atmosphere doesn't need that much fresh carbon.


Anonymous said...

James, Please help explain to me as I keep going through WTF moments. Rush says we are the bluest state with a 3.5 unemployment rate. we have "red" senate, house, and governor and a much higher unemployment. The pile of garbage politifact gives him a false yet gave Burke a "pants on fire" because viewers might not understand that she was using unemployment figures from when she was working for Wis. Somehow, this worthless supposed nonpartisan "fact checking" should be fact checked. The JS is in full campaign mode and since they said they will not be doing endorsements they now are using Politifact. Is there no integrity in the JS? This state has fallen to the point where I can not stomach it any longer. What can be done?

Ralph said...

Yes, we are still choking on the fumes from Burke's "Pants of Fire" that never seems to be commented on in this very fair blog.