Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New North Dakota Wheat Field Feature: Spilled Oil

So it goes, so it grows:

Farmer Steve Jensen discovered the North Dakota oil spill the size of seven football fields while harvesting wheat Sept. 29. Tesoro Corp. first estimated the spill at its underground pipeline near Tioga at 750 barrels. About a week later, the San Antonio, Texas-based company increased the estimate to 20,600 barrels, or some 865,000 gallons, making it one of the largest spills in North Dakota history.
Meanwhile, the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration that has jurisdiction over oil pipelines remains closed because of the ongoing federal government shutdown.  
But, hey - - no sweat, say the bigs: 
The spill happened in a remote area in the northwest corner of the state. The nearest home is a half-mile away, and Tesoro and the state say no water sources were contaminated, no wildlife was hurt and no one was injured.

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