Sunday, October 13, 2013

From DC To WI, Tea Party Crossed Signals

If you watch them in action at the US House of Representatives, it looks like what they want from government is its defunding.

But if you followed their Sportsmensgate machinations in Wisconsin, it appeared as if they wanted to use government  - - the State Legislature, the budget process, the check-cutting apparatus at the DNR - - to funnel public funding to righty political ground-troopers dressed up as hunting and fishing promoters.

I'm not sure how you can have it both ways. I guess follow-the-money trumps manage-the-money.


Anonymous said...

I think the whole Ted Cruz/shut down debacle makes it clear that there is no strategy. They all seem to be running around asking each other what to do next. All Obama has to do is wait while their party crumbles. As for Sportsmansgate, that is simply about cronyism isn't it?

Jonathan Swift said...

Sportsmengate is public campaign financing for one party. Great spot ad for Tea party pres candidate. "Saved fed govt 28 million by turning down and unnecessary grant for unneeded program." This ad paid for by U.S.W. Not to be shown in WI market.