Monday, May 14, 2012

Scott Walker, Meet Albert Pujols

Scott Walker repeated his boast at the GOP state convention this past weekend about creating 250,000 private sector jobs in four years - - or about 62,000 a year - - even though the state has netted just 6,000 since he took office, says his workforce department secretary.

So Walker's batting average on jobs is somewhere around .100.

And on statements vetted by PolitiFact, Walker gets completely "true" six of 48 times - - including one for knowing what was on the State flag - - .he's averaging 125.

Even Albert Pujols in a bad year is hitting .196.


Say What? said...


Madison – Scott Walker may run around the country with his canned catch phrase “Wisconsin is Open for Business” in an attempt to sway voters to keep him in office, but the truth of the matter is that more and more businesses are hanging a “Closed” signs in the window than “Open” for business signs.

In just one year alone, Wisconsin has 9,485 fewer businesses than at the end of 2010, Gov. Jim Doyle's final year in office.The business climate in Wisconsin continues to deteriorate under the leadership of Scott Walker, and to be true, the Department of Workforce Development has received 6 more notices of business closings in the state, which will result in mass layoffs of workers, bringing the total for April and May 2012 to 19.

The picture is worse if you look only at Wisconsin business entities doing business in Wisconsin, and exclude out-of-state businesses that must register here to transact business. Those "domestic” business entities were down 10,189 after Walker’s first year, and down a total of 5,741 after 16 months, So the numbers have gone backward instead of forward.

Business Trending Under Walker

In just the first 8 days of May 2012 alone, 6 businesses have notified the state they will be either closing their doors or reducing staffing levels dramatically; that is nearly 1 every day. Companies such as Hostess Brands Inc., Kerry Flavor Systems US, LLC, Whitefield Industrial Coatings, CleanPower LLC, Ace Distribution Services, Inc., Care Wisconsin First, Inc. have all fallen victim to Scott Walker’s policies.

Scott Walker may try to paint a rosy picture about jobs in Wisconsin, but the fact is that the workforce is shrinking, businesses are leaving the state and more Wisconsinites are underemployed. The Department of Workforce Development is projecting that if Wisconsin continues down it’s current path, the state’s manufacturing workforce will dwindle 10.3% and the durable goods industry by 11.2% by 2018. (That's the next 6 years)

While the governor has attempted to fool the citizens of the state by saying “After June 5th” there will be a hiring boom, the fact of the matter is, if he is re-elected, the rate of businesses shuttering their doors will escalate and more Wisconsinites will be out of work.

Walker’s Opponent Tom Barrett had this to say:

“Walker came into office with a clear promise to help create 10,000 new businesses, but just like his jobs pledge, he’s failing because Walker has decided instead to wage an ideological civil war and become a national right-wing rockstar,” said Barrett for Wisconsin Communications Director. “News that Wisconsin has lost anywhere from 4,300 to 5,700 jobs is a sobering indictment on Walker’s failed, divisive agenda. We can’t fix Wisconsin, create jobs and grow businesses in Wisconsin if we keep Scott Walker and his divide-and-conquer assault on Wisconsin values in the governor’s office.”

Anonymous said...

now that walker has seen the the president is using "forward" as his campaign slogan, he is changing the state motto on the flag to "divide and conquer."