WI State GOP Rep. Nygren to taxpayers: Drop Dead.
Hey, suckers: The co-chair of the state's Joint Committee on Finance

has a self-serving, responsibility-free way to finance a court-ordered settlement, the Journal Sentinel is reporting.

has a self-serving, responsibility-free way to finance a court-ordered settlement, the Journal Sentinel is reporting.
A top GOP lawmaker is signaling he won't help reimburse taxpayers for $200,000 in legal bills he and other Republicans racked up when a court found they had illegally blocked a liberal group on Twitter.Nygren is from Marinette, and was first elected in 2006, so not a clueless, rookie lawmaker.
Thanks for pointing this out.
I do not understand why there is no consequences for these idiots not following the constitution.Every penny of this should come from his pocket. This is why the clowns never follow the law, because it costs them nothing. So he breaks the law and we pay for his attorney??? Any supposed conservative person should do everything in their power to boot this guy out for theft and lock the dirt bag up. Nope, all the fake conservatives who are upset that kids in school are taking the taxpayers money will back this guy no matter what.
Here is a question for any Republican, but I know they aren't on here. When the WEDC threw all the money away, for example airplane companies that never built planes, the airplane manufacturer up in Superior that never opened the doors, Foxconjob, etc; did you still vote Republican??? Of course you did. It's not only party over country, it's party over morals, over family, heck even over your own pay check. This makes the Republican voters guilty of theft also.
Worse yet, I just watched 15 minutes of Wiseye. Yesterday the Finance Committee met and guess who is running the meeting? You got it, Nygren. There he is, making excuses for holding on to founds for suicide prevention, which is far less than what he stole for lawyer fees. The first Republican friend I see, this will be brought up. It will not matter because they love this budget hawk. Oh yea, and prolife guy holding funds to prevent suicide. I am so sick of the hypocrisy.
Scum rises to the top in today's GOP.
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