Friday, February 3, 2012

I'll Bet Walker Has A Smaller, Subdued Super Bowl Party This Year

We learned through the transcript of the prank call between Scott Walker and the fake David Koch that Walker hosted a dinner for the Cabinet right after he watched the Packers in the Super Bowl last year and then went out and "dropped the bomb" on public workers' collective bargaining rights.

This is an exciting time. This is — you know, I told my cabinet, I had a dinner the Sunday, or excuse me, the Monday right after the 6th. Came home from the Super Bowl where the Packers won, and that Monday night I had all of my cabinet over to the residence for dinner. Talked about what we were gonna do, how we were gonna do it. We’d already kinda built plans up, but it was kind of the last hurrah before we dropped the bomb.
I'll bet there will be fewer insiders over to Scott's watch the no-Packers game this year in Indianapolis, given the reach of the John Doe, and the protest signs on TV in favor of workers' rights just stripped by the Indiana Legislature that will remind the group that their arrogance towards citizen workers is about to make the boss just the third governor in US history to face a recall election.

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