Thursday, February 16, 2012

Federal Judges Blast WI Republican Legislators' Coverup

Don't these judges understand that law as we know knew it no longer applies in the Walker/Fitzgeralds' Monarchy?

The judges - - two appointed by Republican presidents and one by a Democrat - - are trying to wrest public records from the legislators after earlier fining the legislators' lawyers for earlier, contemptible delays in turning over records:

"Without a doubt, the Legislature made a conscious choice to involve private lawyers in what gives every appearance of an attempt -albeit poorly disguised - to cloak the private machinations of Wisconsin's Republican legislators in the shroud of attorney-client privilege. What could have - indeed should have - been accomplished publicly instead took place in private, in an all but shameful attempt to hide the redistricting process from public scrutiny."


Anonymous said...

I believe that the legal term for this decision won by the Dems is:


And with an added aside from the referees on the court as to the lack of integrity of the Republican team.

And wait 'til we see what is said in those emails, which must be really bad, because of how hard Republicans fought to hide them.

Ed Hammer said...

And it is not even Friday,yet

Anonymous said...

My thoughts today, too, Ed. I wasn't monitoring the news much today, because I had figured on doing so tomorrow for the weekly Friday news dump of Walker detritus in Wisconsin.

Of course, this story came from Chicago. So we still may have ahead of us the Friday news dump from Milwaukee, Madison, who knows next?