Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CogDis Blog Blows Whistle On Walker "Ready, Set, Build!" Development Hokum

The always informative blogger Chris Liebenthal got his hands on a Walker staff email yesterday about a PR-driven 'plan' to roll-out development announcements statewide and thus create the impression that the boss is making growth happen despite six straight months of official numbers to the contrary.

The 'plan' is called "Ready, Set, Build!"

♥ the exclamation point!


I guess "On your mark. Get set. Go!" was already taken - - Jeez!! - - though I can see the inspiration of Walker's "Ready, Set, Build" here:

Ready, set, go!: synergy fitness for time-crunched adults [Book]
Or in this snazzy "Ready Set Go" red trike!!!

Anyway, here's what the Walker message machine in all its buzz-word glory was cooking up, and why - - in part:
This action is another example of how Governor Walker’s Administration and the WEDC, through its Economic and Community Development Division, is pro-actively providing the economic development tools Wisconsin needs to accelerate business start-ups and growth.
The entire blog post, Walker staff email memo and history of some previous Walker real estate dealings is well worth reading at Liebenthal's blog, here.  

One more thing: I also find it fascinating the author of the 'plan' has the hi-falutin' title of Director of External Communications.
Andrew Davis | Office of Governor Scott Walker
Director of External Communications
(o) 608-267.3839 | (e)
Is there a Director of Internal Communications, and does that person have a secret router to work with?


Anonymous said...

Too much! Love it!

Man- now we have to t pe in two scrambled words?

Anonymous said...

All the info about attorney-client privilege, secret wireless networks, and FOIs makes me suspect ulterior motives in both the creation of the public/private Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. and its $43,000 IPad buy.

Now, is a private/public entity required to comply with FOI requests?

Anonymous said...

Which begs teh question:

Build what?

Wisconsin does not have a housing shortage, and nationally we're experiencing an economic crisis caused by a housing glut.

Wisconsin seriously does not lack for retail space. (Nor does the US. We have 20 feet of retail space per American. That is the biggest in the world. The Swedes come next, at 3 square feet of space. IKEA, natuurlik. Nobody else comes close.)

Look at all our vacant stores and dead malls. We don't need more.

What's left? Industrial space?

This is ridiculous.

capper said...

Thank you for the kind words, James. And I love the catch with the external vs. internal communications.

BTW, I'm still waiting for confirmation, but that trike might be what Walker used on his Air Tran sponsored campaign rides.

Anonymous said...

I phoned this Director of External Communications asking for an explanation of this program. I missed the return call, but called again and am still waiting for another call. They are planning 10 sites (no less than 50 acres in size) for each of the next three years that are "shovel ready". They claim to have the maps and the other pertinent information. I want to know who approved this, where the public comment was, and what kind of sites are to be approved as "shovel ready". I'm thinking mining.

James Rowen said...

Hat tip to you, Capper.

Max B said...

Business start-ups generally don't need space and buildings. They're typically hatched in someone's garage or basement and when they do begin to grow, tend not to spend their money on fancy buildings or snazzy office digs. They go for what is least expensive and most available, existing office spaces and abandoned manufacturing facilities. Thanks to the overbuilding of the '80s and '90s, and the recession / Depression II since, there's more than enough commercial space to satisfy any business's requirements for a long time to come.

In fact, I'd seriously question the wisdom and financial viability of a business plan that included building a new building/s in that business's early years.

And if WMC, the Walker administration or the Fitz boys or even the Koch heads think new retail space is where the future lies, they are more deeply stupid than we've given them credit for. Heard of a little thing called online shopping, boys?

You see, to be entrepreneurial, one must spot the trends and get out in front of them, or better yet, create the next new thing and lead everyone else there. What these guys know about business could be printed on a single square of toilet paper and is worth about as much.

BTW: All of Wisconsin is still waiting to see the business plan from Wis Development Corp to bring businesses here. Is it Becky Kleefisch cold-calling around downtown Chicago trying to get some hot-shot PR firms or ad agencies to leave the excitement of downtown Chicago and move to some Wisconsin cornfield--or, OK, next to or on top of a formerly well-functioning wetland? I'd bet my next paycheck and several after it if the dog and pony show that was the traveling business 'summit' ever found a single Wisconsin business claiming that its biggest obstacle to growth was that it couldn't find a space or place to locate itself. Or maybe a year's salary.

What new businesses or even existing businesses need are customers. Walker and ilk have seen to it that Wisconsin has fewer of those to offer, given the cuts in teachers' and other public workers' salaries, raising taxes on the poor, and other draconian measures forced upon the victims of Wisconsin.

Display Name said...

I thought we were told that government should keep its nose out of business's business.

Anonymous said...

More prisons?