Sunday, May 8, 2011

How Many Labor Families, Progressives Will Decide Against A Wisconsin Vacation This Year?

Not to punish anyone, but to make a point, especially to The Koch Brothers' boy Scott Walker, about where precious wages and discretionary dollars get spent?

It's not a new idea.


jim said...

You must be joking. Union goons from Illinois have flooded Wisconsin for a hundred years. Get used to it, the only people who care about unions losing their power and having to pay their fair share are unions. You have an inflated view of how significant the 5% union population in Wisconsin is perceived. Quit whining, cough up your share.

Anonymous said...

If this is supposed to mean that people will not go to that cabin or whatever cuz of Walker and his policies, that's insane.

Jim Bouman said...

For 25 years, our family has routinely spent a week at a nice place in Manitowish Waters. My State of Wisconsin (very small) and my wifes's (small to medium size) pension each got nicked by falling returns on our portion of the variable fund in the Wisconsin Retirement System. It's a great system, superbly managed and rock-solid in its investment strategies, doing what needs to be done.

Ours is a close economic call, but, we're not going up to a cabin for a week this year. That's just the economy, nothing to do with Walker.

But, if I was still in the contributory stage of membership and my income went down by 5.5% it would be an absolute no-brainer of a decision--I couldn't afford it.

That would be a no-brainer decision. And the connection to both Walker policies and the wretched fat-cat-favoring economy couldn't be more clear.

Anonymous said...

No Northern Wisconsin vacation for us this year. We are vacationing in Vermont – one of the last Blue States. We are also taking the train (Amtrak) to get there. I guess we’re just a couple of Socialists!