Monday, April 18, 2011

Walker Denies Fiscal Emergency Takeover Plans: Clip This, Put It On Your Refrigerator

Scott Walker is telling talk radio that reports like this one or that one are 100% false.

My response: it's difficult to say, "I take you at your word," as it required being placed under oath in a US House of Representatives Oversight Committee meeting in Washington, DC last week for you to finally admit that a) you had not explicitly campaigned on a plan to gut collective bargaining, and b) admit that some of the union-stripping provisions in the cleverly-named "Budget-Repair" bill had no fiscal impact on the state's deficit.

And saying no one in the administration is working on such a plan means someone outside the administration - - law firm, think tank, advocacy group, consultant, legislative staffer, family friend, a geeked-up Roomba  - - could be working on it.

A more inclusive statement in writing, and not on a friendly conservative talk show, would add more credibility.

That said, I'll do what you suggested we in Milwaukee County do with the major elements of your vision when you first ran for Executive in 2002 - - write it down, put it on our refrigerators and hold you accountable to them.

Until I can find a direct quote, I'll take this language from the radio web page linked at the top at "false."

The Republican Walker...[said] that nobody on his staff or administration is working on such a plan.

Snip, snip


Anonymous said...

Maybe he will try again after the recall elections this summer.

Anonymous said...

well duh

Like any of those guys have come up with any of this shit so far.
Walker and his posse are just the Pizza Delivery boys. Someone else is choosing ingredients, setting prices, and bakin up de pies.

First time that SOB has told the truth in a long time. Bet it felt really good.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine Wisconsin accepting this. Yup. We need to keep an eye on him, but this is so in the GOP playbook.

Create chaos, in this case starve local governments of money, then step in to "solve" the problem.

JB said...

Foley & Lardner aren't on his staff or in the administration ... yet.

Betsey said...

Who's paying Foley and Lardner?