Small Town Wisconsin Paper Demolishes Ryan Budget Plan
The Tomah Journal strikes again.
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The Tomah Journal strikes again.
Posted by
James Rowen
6:11 AM
It does no such thing. No real facts to back their claims. What you lefties do not understand, is that if there is nothing done to reform medicare, there will not be medicare for people who are under 55. What is your plan, that does not incorporate higher taxes and more goverment control given to an unelected board, like IPAC?
John P wrote: "No real facts to back their claim?"
So what do you call the cost estimates of out-of-pocket expenses presented in the editorial? Seems like factual data to me.
Any plan to modify medicare and other programs must include tax increases on the wealthy. After thirty years of shifting tax burdens from corporations and the rich to the middle class, its high time to have these groups pay their fair share.
Give me a break Dave, what is their fair share? Are you going to decide? The top 50% pays 97% of the taxes, the top 1% pays 20%, what is fair to you. There is not enough money from the wealthly to pay for your bloated entitlement state. Why are liberals economically brain dead?
CBO is not fact Dave. The purpose of Ryan's plan is to bring down the cost of heatlh care through market forces, not by some unelected Goverment appointed board.
CBO has done a wonderful job at estimating the Capitol construction project and the true cost of Obamacare.
The indicies noted in Ryan's plan can be adjusted. Ryan has stated that. But this is far better than anything the tax and spend liberals have propsed. Who wait, according to the liberals there is no deficit problem. Just ask the hero of the left Paul Krugman.
" It does no such thing. No real facts to back their claims. What you lefties do not understand, is that if there is nothing done to reform medicare, there will not be medicare for people who are under 55. "
Paul Ryan's bill makes it a certainty that there will not be Medicare for people under 55, since it REPLACED MEDICARE WITH SOMETHING ELSE.
The purpose of Ryan's plan is to bring down the cost of heatlh care through market forces
Just like the Republicans' Medicare Advantage Plan, which quickly morphed into a giant feeding trough for taxpayer money. And then the GOP bitched when the Dems cut the bloated mess. It's like a mobius strip of greed and stupidity.
Paul Ryan wants to reform medicare, for people under 55, if it is not done, there will be medicare for no one. Yes, Medicare would have a different form than it is now for people under 55. So sheesh yourself.
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