Thursday, September 6, 2012

Obama On The Podium

Too funny...he's sick of that "and I approve this message" line.

Mocking the GOP's penchant for cutting taxes - - "take two and call me in the morning" - -  while Obama says he is for tax cuts for people who need them.

"We reinvented an auto industry that's number-one in the world."

Touting auto-mileage standards, wind turbines, long-lasting batteries..."less dependent on foreign oil than at any time in the last two decades."

Is for more oil exploration but not letting companies write the plan.

1 comment:

Boxer said...

Yet there is a noticeable absence of any GM or Chrysler execs . . . and lack of public gratitude as well. There have been some auto workers who have carried that message, but it's awfully sad that the top management couldn't even send a thank you note.