Thursday, September 6, 2012

In Campaign Against Baldwin, Tommy Plays The Gay Card

And who's surprised?

The political director for U.S. Senate campaign of former Gov. Tommy Thompson highlighted his opponent’s participation in a gay pride event and criticized her ability to discuss “heartland values.”


Anonymous said...

this is the same guy who said prosser would be "a common sense complement to the newly elected governor and legislature."

Sue said...

The only thing that surprises me is that it took so long. Although I assume there's been a whisper campaign going on for awhile.

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Does a drunken letch like Tommy really want to get into a discussion about 'Heartland values.' And playing the 'gay' card has backfire written all over it, because supporting marriage equality is a political winner, especially in the under-40 crowd that WILL VOTE, unlike 2010.

This race must be very close if the GOP is trying this cheap desperation move.