Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Raid On A State Fund Is Not A Raid If Scott Walker Proposes It

When Gov. Jim Doyle dipped into segregated funds and moved money from that dedicated purpose to general fund obligations, those were raids, I mean raids, I say RAIDS, RAIDS and Walker railed against them.

But when Walker proposes a raid, according to the Journal Sentinel, it's not a raid, because, ya' see, Walker says it's not.

The explanation is half-way through that story. Walker wants to take money out of a fund set aside for one purpose - - lowering the cost of the state health plan - -  and put it into general fund deficit reduction.

A different purpose.

That's not a raid because most of the money came from taxpayers and is just lying around, so is available. To be move. To a different purpose

So that's not a raid.

This is like Walker saying his support for highway tolls does not violate his opposition to new taxes or fees, or saying that state tax increases he proposed in his budget for the working poor are not tax increases.

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