Wednesday, April 6, 2011

And If There Is A Recount, Justice Gableman Can't Vote

His blatantly partisan appeal for Prosser in the video in this posting rules Gableman out as biased.


tomkraj said...

Devil's advocate here. If the recount goes to the Supreme Court Prosser can't vote because he is a party. But doesn't Gableman get to decide if he votes? As outrageous as that is?

rich said...

Unfortunately, Republicans have a different notion of what "can't" means. Especially when it comes to judiciary branch decision-making.

Expect Gableman and Prosser, when given the chance, to participate in any collective bargaining issue and then rule against the unions/Democrats.

They'll take a highly politicized stance, for an extremely partisan position, and they'll do it right out there in the open -- while hiding behind their black robes and feigning duty, impartiality and mocking any adherence to their sworn oath.

It's what they do.

Reagan's Disciple said...

Don't be silly, Gableman can and will vote on this issue if/when it come before the SC.

Under your theory, Abrahamson & Bradley shouldn't vote either, but they still will vote as well.

James Rowen said...

Gableman was out politicking for Prosser. Begging for votes. Talking about a partisan agenda being saved.
He disqualified himself as a judge of whether Prosser keeps his seat.

Reagan's Disciple said...


How much do you wish to wager/lose on this? $50 bucks to charity?

PS. Mike wasn't begging for votes when I spoke to him last week. Joanne also clerked for Abrahamson so Shirley has her own conflicts as does Bradley. My point is, all of them (except Prosser) will hear the case if/when it gets that far.

James Rowen said...

To R.D. - - I can't bet with an anonymous person. And in the Gableman video, he is imploring the crowd to vote.