Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wisconsin Lawyers Should Protest Secretive Procedures Used In Redistricting

Members of the State Bar of Wisconsin could sign a non-partisan public letter objecting on principle to the secretive procedures - - including off-site, private meetings, and confidentiality agreements that distort lawyer-client privilege and defeat the Open Records and Meetings statutes  - - that were used to draft with taxpayer dollars Wisconsin redistricting maps and legislation for Republican members last year.

There is a dangerous trend in and around the Capitol and it needs to be nipped in the bud.


Anonymous said...

If it's not illegal to do state government business in your lawyer's office rather than in the people's house (Capitol), it should be.

John Casper said...

IANAL, but the confidentiality agreement sounded like a conspiracy to give MBF a firewall from behind which they could instruct elected officials on how best to lie or mislead voters.

No "confidentiality agreement," covers intentionally lying/misleading your constituents and the press.

Who was dumber, MBF or the people who signed it?

OT, is this an "ALEC," thing that the GOP is doing in other states?