Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Walker's Delayed Environmental Assault Now Far Beyond "Isn't As Bad As Some Feared"

Twin attacks on full display this week against Wisconsin's environmental legacy through bills that  deregulate mining, weaken water management and tear at 225 years of Wisconsin water reverence show that Walker cleverly waited to drop his environmental bombs until time passed, lobbyists did their work and his DNR budget got some editorial backing:

Environment proposals still need some work

The governor's two-year budget isn't as bad as some feared for the environment. But some changes are needed.

"Isn't as bad as some feared" is, frankly, now 'worse than imagined.'


Anonymous said...

I'm sensing that Republicans are in a panic to do as much damage as possible before their clown-car vaults over the edge of the rapidly approaching canyon.

Anonymous said...

Belling is having a hissy fit now. Going after his Republicon buddies. Sweet music!

Anonymous said...

Rush to pass go to collect money for recall via environmental rapists!

Jonathan Swift said...

New tourist dept promotion: Come to Wisconsin now, before it is too late. In the add it will have John Prine's Paradise Valley playing in the back ground. Gogebic ore trains have hauled it away.