Anti-Guvmint WI Hypocrites (R) Clutch At Their Guvmint Jobs
The Journal Sentinel outlines the various legal schemes that conservative, small-government Republican legislators are employing to stave off recall elections and the possible loss of the best, subsidized job they will ever have - - complete with taxpayer-paid full-time salaries for part-time work, state employee benefits won for them by unions - - plus mileage and cellphone freebies, staff and office allowances and the cushiest perk of all that they've set up for themselves:
Their special per diem stop by The Gravy Train - - an $88-per-day, tax-free, taxpayer-paid expense account they can get literally just for showing up at the Capitol.
I prefer the more toothless and ignorant "gum'mint" but you go right ahead with the highbrow "guvmint", you over-educated, socialist, Starbucks elitist.
I stand krect'd.
Or not:
You know, our dear leglislators don't have to take the $88.00 per diem every day or even any day. It's not like salary that is so difficult to make changes to. They have to fill out a request for it, so they are fully conscious of what they are doing each and every time they do it. Fitzgerald and Waukesha County legislators are in the "Cushy Zone': far enough away from Madison to get the $88 (and not the $44) and not too far that they'd have to stay overnight and pay for 2-3 meals a day as northern Wisconsin legislators must do. No, they could carpool, rideshare, and make their own lunches on the days they don't have lobbyist-paid lunch scheduled. I don't know of any other business or organization that pays for its employees cost of commuting to work. This is a perk of the job, most definitely.
the 'oxer' got cut from my handle in the last post.
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