Saturday, August 7, 2010

Paul Krugman Slams Paul Ryan

The Nobel Prize winning economist calls Paul Ryan the "flim-flam man." Ouch.


Anonymous said...

The again Paul Krugman supported the stimulus package, and we all know what a sham that was.

Anonymous said...

What is interesting is you can take the first paragraph and exchange 2 words ('liberals' for 'conservatives' and 'left' for 'right') and it could have been written by an overly biased right-wing columnist instead of the overly biased left-wing Krugman.

Same goes for the 2nd to last paragraph, exchange the Republican references to Democratic, and it could have applied to the comparable off election year of 2006.

enoughalready said...

I had wondered if you saw that. I think Krugman makes a very good case.

Betsey said...

Anonymous commentors One and Two are choosing to ignore the "Nobel prize winning economist" part of Paul Krugman's title in their rush to paint him as just another liberal NYT columnist. Although the article is PK's "opinion", one would have a difficult, if not impossible, task to find a more educated and analytical opinion ("economists" with fakey degrees from Jesus College and VooDoo U. don't count). We need more journalists of Krugman's stature,those with in-depth knowledge of the subject areas they write about, who are willing to pull back the curtain on political charlatans like Ryan. Ryan and his ilk have been allowed to run around the country too long with their too-good-to-be true "plans"** without anyone asking hard questions or even doing the math.
**Plans to Screw the Middle Class Even Further.

On another note. I'd love to get Ryan's recipe for flimflam sauce--sounds delicious! Although I'd never waste it by covering up the stale taste of Newt's leftovers.