Tuesday, August 24, 2010

SEWRPC Water Panel To Meet at 9:30 Tuesday Morning...

In part to hear a presentation on whether there are socio-economic consequences...to Lake Michigan water diversion recommendations they have been preparing...for five years...that they left out of their study parameters and recommendations because socio-economic matters and that whole notion of environmental justice in SEWRPC studies just wasn't on the radar in the old timey days of 2005...but which now the water policy committee is going to consider post hoc as prepared by another SEWRPC body...that hasn't finished its work yet..but, hey, can we get this thing wrapped up?

Do I hear a motion? Can I get a second? Items Three, Four and Five on the agenda, including that darned socio-economic study, and, yes, the report's summary, Chapter 12?

All in favor...

Yeah, that's some high-faluttin' planning process we've got out there at SEWRPC's Pewaukee headquarters for a few million public bucks a year.

Some recent history, here.

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