Thursday, June 4, 2009

Run-On Sentences Will Always Be Bad Writing

Further proof that talkers don't necessarily make good writers.


capper said...

There is a correlation there. Bad talkers make bad writers.

Anonymous said...

I notice that you offer no substantive point to Belling writting, so I must assume that, except for his writting, you agree with what he wrote.

Also, I would love to see some post by you defending this piece of crap budget put forth by DEMOCRATS, during back room dealings. I see the Wisconsin democrats are really about transparency.

I do not know who to vote for now, I vote for the democrat, because the republican was bad and now the dems multiply it by a 100%.

James Rowen said...

To Anon: What's the point. Belling is catastrophizing. It's not meant to be taken seriously. It's a rant to appeal to his listeners, not the beginning of a dialogue.

krshorewood said...

Deconstructing Belling.