Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh, No! Government Helps The Economy?

What a revoltin' development, Tea Partiers, Republicans say.


Anon Jim said...

Seriously Rowen - just how clueless are you?

The only significant takeaway from the linked article is the Fed is increasing the pace of the devaluation of our dollar by their $600 billion monetization of the Federal debt.

Understand you have no idea what that means - but it is bad.

It is why the dollar fell against other currencies, commodity prices rose, overseas stock prices were up, etc.

It is all the same thing and not good at all in the long term.

Anonymous said...

Didnt we just do this with QE1? This is just going to make the stock market look better and our 401(k) statements look better. Business are not hiring due to uncertainity. The DEMS made a big mistake by leaving town and not addressing the expiring tax cuts.