Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sykes' Replacement Today Disappoints

Afternoon AM 620 WTMJ talker Jeff Wagner doesn't inhabit a character as far to the Right on some issues as does the morning host Charlie Sykes, but when he sits in for Charlie, as he is today, you still get that hard Right perspective anyway.

Jeff is bashing federally-mandated "Gore Gas" (when did he run the EPA? I forget.) gasoline sold in the region as an antidote to some tailpipe pollutants. He said we have alleged air pollution in the region.

I guess he missed last week's Wisconsin air status, which was the dirtiest, sootiest, most unhealthy - - in the nation.

Damn science.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good attorney backs his arguments with evidence and facts. Wagner seems to have gotten his law degree out of a box of crackerjacks.