Map Confirms We Have Nation's Dirtiest Air Today
Anyone at the State Capitol have a clue, a thought, about how to stop this from continuing?
Any statewide media inclined to put reporters on the story?
A forum, news site and archive begun in February, 2007 about politics and the environment in Wisconsin. And elsewhere.
Posted by
James Rowen
2:18 PM
Time to pass a climate and clean energy bill ASAP.
This doesn't by any chance have anything to do with the fog?
If so - am surprised your not making some kind of global warming linkage.
Or doesn't that dog hunt anymore?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
Matt wins that round.
Matt wins by repeating the same thing you all have been saying everyday for the last few years?
Btw - your Dems have had the ability to pass your Cap-and-Tax legislation at anytime they wanted to for the last year plus at both the Federal and State levels.
Why haven't they?
Some explanation as to why this is the case would be nice.
@Anonymous- lack of wind and misty/foggy atmosphere traps carbon monoxide, CO2, and other pollutants from cars and coal plants.
People like me with even the mildest asthma notice these things. It's ever so slightly noticeable, like a tiny hayfever wheeze... a reminder that I don't want future generations to be stung by bad air.
Makes me wish transit and carpooling were more developed here in SE WI.
Makes me wish we had built more nuclear plants and replaced all of our electrical plants fueled by coal, both here and elsewhere.
That would have gone a long way to significantly improve our air quality.
For once being more like the French is actually a good idea. Unfortunately it seems like that is the only French idea you all are opposed to.
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