Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Journal Sentinel Publishes Waukesha Water/Sprawl Map - - Finally

The big paper printed today the map showing where Waukesha could push diverted Lake Michigan water.

Readers of this blog saw the map a few weeks ago, and also a month ago - - and that posting included links to a separate posting nine months ago, linked to the map, that began this way:


Lake Michigan Water Could Flow Outside Waukesha City Boundaries; Some Questions

Though Waukesha says it is scaling back the amount of Lake Michigan water it seeks to divert, and is saving water through conservation, its diversion application will include this report and map showing where outside its current water delivery service territory it could send some of the water.

Bottom line: people in Waukesha are getting the big picture - - that the $164 million diversion plan is expensive in part because the water utility wants to nearly double its service territory, and that will lead to expanded development in exurban and rural areas, too.

Housing and jobs follow water these days the same way they historically follow railroad lines and roads - - so a city like Milwaukee thinking of selling the water to Waukesha needs to understand that selling, without conditions or benefit-sharing, could be aiding its own impoverishment.

While the buying community is adding to the region's air pollution and loss of open space, too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No Great Lakes water for sprawl, especially outside the Basin, period. This is an abuse of the GL Compact.