Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another AM 620 WTMJ Talk Radio Highlight

As midnight approached late Wednesday, Michael Savage, carried daily on AM 620 WTMJ radio, told his listeners that health care reform was President Obama "paying off La Raza" so every "illegal alien" - - a policy position denied by the President - - could have a health care plan.

This was in the midst of a rant about 31 million illegal aliens - - busboys and restaurant workers (no stereotyping there!) - - who would get health care through money stolen from younger workers.

Thanks to Savage and Journal Communications for the enlightenment.

1 comment:

enoughalready said...

Haven't you heard? Healthcare reform is all about the rest of us paying for health insurance for illegal immigrants and deadbeats. Pretty simple, isn't it, in the world of Michael Savage?