Friday, February 3, 2012

US House Would End Federal Transit Funding. Nationally. Seriously.

In a breathe-takingly short-sighted, arrogant and corrupt action, The US House of Representatives wants to end long-standing, bi-partisan support for federal support for transit nationwide and turn over the entire federal transportation budget to the road-builders - - which even Scott Walker tried, but failed to get through Wisconsin's GOP-dominated legislature.

The US Senate will not support such a blatant transfer of federal funds to one special interest, and allow transit systems to be starved of this important revenue stream, but it gives you an idea of how powerful is the anti-urban agenda in the US House and Republican/Tea Party circles.

Thanks to the Daily Kos diariest who cited my blog on these issues.

Also consult the excellent website and archives managed by Transportation For America for more information.

1 comment:

Helen Bushnell said...

The sense that I got from talking to the people who work for the Republicans who want to do this is that there has been a lot more push back than expected.