Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Protocol Lets Walker Crash Obama Visit To Master Lock, But...

...Just in case the stimulus-rejecting, rail-cancelling, taxing-the-poor Walker shows up Wednesday at Master Lock with the President he's pledged to defeat in Wisconsin and makes the false claim that he'd created jobs in Milwaukee's hard-hit central city, do not forget that Walker ignored Milwaukee's central city when he was busying himself using the County Executive position to run for Governor.

And that in the final Gubernatorial debate with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett on October 29, 2010, Barrett twice challenged Walker to point to one single job Walker had created in the central city.

Twice, Walker sat stone-faced, because the answer was "none."


Anonymous said...

This is good. Let them both get cozy. IMO people are like chemicals - you never know what will happene when elements are combined and reactions are often unavoidable and influencing.
And in this case neither man is without "issue", both are highly dependent of public whim and both use their very beings as Tools and means of expressing ideas.
It's easy to strut around like Mick Jagger bragging about how you kicked the President's ass, but when you look in the guy's eye. then what? Maybe Walker will feel nothing. We don't know. And Obama, what will he think/feel when he finally comes to WI and looks at Walker? Has he been to that town in MI? Is he unaffected as well?
We all know how powerfull behind-the-scenes dramas can be, when people with influence are motivated to get their machinery in motion. If 2 men ever needed to meet on the wasted battlefield and have a chat, these 2 are in that category.
Most politicians these days are so caught up in the game they might as well be 13 year olds at home addicted to WoW. No sens of reality (which is fine w/ games, but when you control a nation? different story) hurt for eitehr guy to roll up some Reality and smoke it. If this meeting acts as a catalyst for somekind of HUMAN FEELKINGS inside either guy - so much the better.
Most likely they're just two immutable Juggernauts who will feel/think nothing new. But at some point if a politician realized how REGULAR people rally are feeling about Life in These Here Yoo-Nited States, that would be good. So yeah, you boys play together for awhile, see how that goes.

Anonymous said...

sorry for numerous typos and missed words. it's early O_o

Anonymous said...

Could Obama's speech writers please work the word "recall" into his speech? For instance: "I recall (long pause) that when I took office in 2009 the financial system was on the brink of collapse". Or, "Let us recall.....
the words of Franklin Roosevelt..."

All I'm saying is, have a little fun with it.

Ron R said...

Anonymous, how about "I recall I said that unemployment would never get over...."

James Rowen said...

RonR: weak comeback. Your boy looked like Scott Weaker today.