Wednesday, February 8, 2012

If Redistricting By Secret Agreement Is The New Wisconsin Standard...

Look out.

That's precedent for letting the budget and any other piece of legislation being written under the cloak of lawyer-client privilege, off-site and out of the public view until a quick vote.

Eliminate the Legislative Reference Bureau and Fiscal Bureau and let the trade associations and law firms make the law.

That's how an oligarchy operates, not a democracy.


gnarlytrombone said...

Juan Vanguard:

"I understand the agreement was to protect the attorney-client privilege because drawing the maps did not have to be done in open session.

"I think we would have violated open meetings law to have public discussions and possibly, even if we didn't mean to, actually have a quorum if there were enough of us there talking."

I think this may have been the first time I've got a contact high from reading a quote.

Anonymous said...

While we're at the Capitol chanting, "Whose house? OUR HOUSE!" the GOP has moved all household goods to their lawyer's office.