Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Justice Task Force Should Weigh In On EPA Input Request; Will SEWRPC Permit It?

The US Environmental Protection Agency is looking for comment on a proposal that would require environmental justice considerations be included during agency rule-making.

Sounds like a good idea - - if you believe that environmental justice is an important standard for government to meet.

Wonder if the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, which has an Environmental Justice Task Force, and that coincidentally is meeting on September 2nd, will take a crack at weighing in?

SEWRPC's relationship with its task force has been rocky, as I have mentioned: Thursday's meeting - - 4 p.m. at IndependenceFirst, 540 S. First St., Milwaukee - - should have a lively discussion about how it was that the task force had not voted on accepting a consultant report about water sourcing and policy in the region - - but SEWRPC managers moved the report anyway for adoption at a water policy advisory committee last week.

Environmental justice, or environmental injustice?

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