Wednesday, March 17, 2010

When Liberals Come To Their Senses

Rep. Dennis Kucinich will vote for the health care reform bill.

Politics can't be about perfection. Good for him.

1 comment:

Anon Jim said...

Congratulations on the momentous achievement of getting the Democrat/Socialist loser loon Dennis Kuchinich to vote for the Federal takeover of the Health Care industry.

All it took was a joy ride on Air Force One, wonder what the carbon footprint on that was?

And congratulations in advance in getting Obama-care "passed", "deemed", or whatever it is the Dem's are going to do this weekend.

But please note this "battle" victory will be pyrrhic, at best, and this will have been the first salvo in the war it will have stated.

Even a non-believer such as myself can appreciate the wisdom of the biblical-ish verse: "a person reaps what they sow".