The WI Assembly's groundwater giveaway bill is so bad...
And gives the state's rapidly expanding, manure-spilling mega-dairies so much permanent control over aquifer-depleting well water that the bill's Assembly sponsor, Scott Krug, (R-Nekoosa), voted against it.

The bill is just one of many in corporatized. Walkerite Wisconsin where businesses are granted 'certainty' while people living near these big ag operations, or an open-pit iron mine are stripped of the certainty to enjoy fresh water, clean air and peace of mind.
If the Senate can get its fast-track machinery in motion, this bad bill will find its way to the Governor's desk for signing, like the shoreline development bill which is on its way today to tie the hands of local governments should they want to prevent the inevitable damage to our one shared environment.
More history, context.

The bill is just one of many in corporatized. Walkerite Wisconsin where businesses are granted 'certainty' while people living near these big ag operations, or an open-pit iron mine are stripped of the certainty to enjoy fresh water, clean air and peace of mind.
If the Senate can get its fast-track machinery in motion, this bad bill will find its way to the Governor's desk for signing, like the shoreline development bill which is on its way today to tie the hands of local governments should they want to prevent the inevitable damage to our one shared environment.
More history, context.
Your giving Krug too much credit -- he was merely holding out for more poo in the local water.
Kind of amazing big bottled-water interests want to sell this crap (literally) as a "mountain fresh" alternative to the feces contaminated water in these aquifers after CAFOs take over.
Either Krug or Kitchens who voted against their own bill AB874 during the floor session, could have kept the bill in committee and it would not have seen the light of day.
AB477 is awaiting a ruling at the behest of Vos on the DNR regulatory authority over high-cap wells in any respect thus it sits in the Assembly Committee on the Environment and Forestry.
The Senate will be looking at this bill in their March session. The urgency to push this through now would tell how the Republican view their chances of holding the Senate in November.
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