Monday, November 12, 2007

Following The Great Lakes Online: A Beginning Index

Thought I'd get together a list of blogs and other sites that focus on Great Lakes resources, the Great Lakes Compact and related issues.

Here's a first cut (Note that this has been updated since its initial posting, with two additions in italics). Feel free to send me others and, in time, I'll update this again.

  1. Loon Commons in Minnesota:
  2. Michigan Liberal in Michigan:
  3. Dave Dempsey, in Minnesota, via Michigan:
  4. The Political Environment, in Wisconsin:

Online news and information sites:

  1. Great Lakes
  2. Great Lakes Information Network, GLIN, collecting traditional media, daily (not blog items):
  3. Great Lakes Town Hall, an arm of the Biodiversity Project, Madison.
  4. The environmental engineering firm Brown and Caldwell has an excellent newsletter and roundup (free registration required here).
  5. Great Lakes For All.
  6. University of Wisconsin-Miwaukee's WATER Institute: Numerous experts, papers, other resources.
  7. Peter Annin's Great Lakes Water Wars: Comprehensive listing of Great Lakes resources, diversion applications and responses, and more.
  8. Energetich20 - - A UW-Madison engineering student.
  9. Dale Olen Blog - - Wisconsin activist, writer.
  10. Good variety of sources at Great Lakes Shipwatchers.
  11. From Oregon State University, Water and Watersheds:
  12. Wisconsin Association of Lakes e-newsletter and additional resources.


Anonymous said...

Are there any Canadian Links or do you Americans own the great Lakes all by yourselves

We have a say you know

James Rowen said...

Your attitude is the problem, Fred. Do you see the title: "Beginning Index..."
Did you read the post? Do you understand it?

I have communicated often with Canadians about the Great Lakes Compact and Murphy Oil.

Perhaps you like to point readers and me towards some good resources instead leaving me that kind of ridiculous comment.

Anonymous said...

How about MMSD. They have been doing great things for the lake for years and their website is full of productive ideas on how we can all help out by doing even more.

Adam Hinterthuer said...

I work for Peter Annin, who wrote the book "The Great Lakes Water Wars," and we have a site dedicated to collecting all the latest news about Great Lakes water issues in one place. We've got all sorts of info, from both Canadian and U.S. news sources. If you think we'd be a worthy addition, our link is

A good Canadian site for beginners is

And, finally, a cool interactive site about all the world's water hot spots can be found at:

Anonymous said...

The very informative UWM Great Lakes WATER Institute website would be an excellent addition to the list.

Baroque said...

Thank you for starting such a compilation. There are so many scattered resources that it can be nigh impossible to know where to start.

Baroque said...

Thank you for starting such a compilation. There are so many scattered resources that it can be nigh impossible to know where to start.