Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Not One GOP State Rep. Says "Aye" To A Great Lakes Compact Vote

All together now: 50 GOP Assembly members vote "No" and refuse to even allow the Great Lakes Compact to come to a vote Tuesday.

Not one "Yes" vote.

There's your bi-partisan, regional cooperation caucus at work.

Message delivered from Wisconsin's lower House narrow majority, and narrow-minded leadership to the four Great Lakes states whose legislatures have approved the Compact, the broad 26-6 bi-partisan majority in the State Senate, the 80% of the public that said it wanted a strong Compact approved for Wisconsin, and leading state newspapers, like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

"In Your Face."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's where the appeal of a moderately strong third party comes into play. In such a case, the majority party might control a branch of government but likely wouldn't have the votes to stall a floor debate and vote. I'd like to see an end to two party rule before my life is over, if only as a curious experiment to see how well it works.