Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Michael Savage Radio Lowlights Courtesy of Journal Communications

It's been a while since I tuned into the far-rightwing Michael Savage, whose program airs late on AM 620 WTMJ radio - - the Journal Communications flagship station with the state's strongest signal.

Savage was in typically high rant, complaining that various arms of the US Military had been "de-balled" and " feminized" and otherwise ruined.

Savage lambasted other targets as "putzs" and "schmucks." [These are Yiddish terms - - you can look them up.]

Then he brought on an author who has written an anti-Obama book, "The Manchurian President," that continues the right's obsession with Obama as being the illegitimate other, and an enemy of the state.

And the failed NYC bombing attempt? "Obama's Katrina," yelled Savage.

Go figure.


Anonymous said...

From what I know of him, he likes to conceal the fact that he's Jewish. I'm surprised he'd use Yiddish on the air. Combine this with the good work that wtmj did in raising money for the Honor Flight and you've got a Jekyll-Hyde thing going.

Anon Jim said...

Hard to tell what James would say about the Honor Flights and the work Charlie Sykes did in promoting that.

He might just consider that another AM 620 WTMJ radio 'lowlight'.


James Rowen said...

To Anon Jim;

Stay on topic.

Anon Jim said...

The previous commentor brought up the Honor Flights and I was just reacting to that.

Anyways, your response speaks for itself.


Anonymous said...

anon jim- in bringing up the honor flight fundraising, i make no presumption that jim is not willing to give credit to the station and sykes in particular. but my jekyll- hyde reference includes sykes . he did good in this instance. my overall impression of him remains that he's just a guy that discovered that he can make a better living by becoming a conservative and two-bit demagogue.

Anon Jim said...

To the last Anonymous, and keeping in mind we have no idea if the first and second are the same person, whether or not Mr. Sykes is a pseudo-conservative and a mediocre demagogue prostituting himself for a paycheck is up in the eye of the beholder.

You are entitled to your opinion in America, at least for now.

Regarding Mr. Rowen's outlook on WTMJ's involvement with the Honor Flights, obviously he does not want to share his opinion.


James Rowen said...

To Anon Jim;

I guess you'll have to wait to find out.