Sunday, May 9, 2010

Water Battle In Hawaii

Even on an island, water's finite reality can produce conflict.


Anon Jim said...

Not to be nitpicky, but considering the focus of the linked article is about an island located smack dab in the middle of the Earth's largest ocean filled with very non-potable salt-water . . .

Would not 'Especially on an island, water's finite reality will produce conflict" be a heck of a lot more accurate?


James Rowen said...

If you would like to rewrite it, I suggest you create your own blog.

Anon Jim said...

Just keeping it real James.

The wording of your posting was presenting a false impression of the supply of fresh water on a tropical oceanic island.

Anyone who has ever watched Gilligan’s Island knows that. Poor Gilligan was always being dispatched to haul fresh water for the castaways.

And if you would prefer to just preach to the choir, then ban any posts containing opposing viewpoints.

Please note I have always commended you in the past for not doing that.