Tuesday, January 19, 2016

More months, years of I-94 congestion arriving in light-rail-free zone

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has posted a fresh set of maps, timelines and other material documenting the transportation chaos and congestion known as The Zoo Interchange Project.

For the record, let's note that we are entering the 10th year after which a starter light rail system could have served the area, and elsewhere, but was killed for ideological, anti-urban politics:
Had plans unfolded on schedule, the starter light rail, with an estimated 21,000 riders on weekdays, would have opened in 2006 and run about 10 miles from the Third Ward to Summerfest, downtown, Miller Park, the Milwaukee County Zoo and the County Grounds... 
Extensions to Milwaukee's north side and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee would have generated support, and light rail could have assisted Waukesha County commuters because years of Zoo Interchange and I-94 reconstruction are planned west of Milwaukee.


Ralph said...

So why didn't Milwaukee build it????? That's right. They couldn't convince someone else to pay for their light rail system!!

James Rowen said...

All major transportation projects get state and federal funding. The Thompson administration treated this differently -even banning it budgetarily.

Anonymous said...

But those trains are DANGEROUS! You wait, one day they will all collide just south of the Amtrak station while that 100-plus year old bridge collapses and then the oil tankers will go BOOM!

We will all be grateful these is no high speed rail in this recipe for disaster. Now please 'cuse me while I careen off he high rise bridge at 105 mph in my private auto.

Man MKE said...

Ralph, above, seems not to have noticed that Milwaukee taxpayers pay out more than the city takes in with respect to public aid. Which is to say: In reality Milwaukee helps fund transportation projects all over the state, as well as the rest of the nation. When do we get our rightful piece of the action? When Republicans stop trying to wreck Milwaukee as a way to further disempower Democrats, that's when.

Anonymous said...

"So why didn't Milwaukee build it????? That's right. They couldn't convince someone else to pay for their light rail system!!

Tell me please why residents of Massachusetts should be paying for the Zoo interchange.

James Rowen said...

I have yet to use the newly-rebuilt Leo Frigo bridge in Green Bay but am glad to have contributed to a link in the state's infrastructure. Transit in CarNation always gets the state's official disregard and some people's misunderstanding or hostility.

Ralph said...

Man MKE, yes Milwaukee does contribute to projects outside of Milwaukee. But you should also realize that the rest of the state contributes to projects in Milwaukee as well. If Milwaukee wants a light rail system, the only thing stopping them from having one is they do not have the will to raise the money for it.

Anonymous said...

Man MKE, yes Milwaukee does contribute to projects outside of Milwaukee."

Very nice. And people from outsideMKE contribute to [projects inside.

Care to explain why it's so important that the only kind of transportation project with this kind of pooled funding be for asphalt roads accommodating rubber tired automobiles, and nothing involving steel tracks?

Anonymous said...

Ralphie seems to believe that Milwaukee should pay its own way on everything. Fine Ralphie boy. That will also mean that we will use your fancy new Voter ID to screen out anybody who doesn't live in Milwaukee from using any of the things you didn't contribute to. By the way Ralphie that will include any and all products/services produced/provided by any company in Milwaukee. You will also not be allowed in to any restaurants or bars in Milwaukee. You will not be at Miller Park or Summerfest Ralphie. What's that you say Ralphie? You think just because the freeway comes past that means you can go? Not quite Ralphie. When you get off the freeway you will be on city streets in order to get into the venue. Since you didn't pay for it you don't use it. Same way Ralphie boy as folks who don't want to pay for stem cell research etc. None of the treatments coming from that research are going to be allowed to be used by you and your kind Ralphie boy. Remember no whining. You didn't want these things.