Murkowski Oil Industry Ploy Fails
Big Oil's go-to Senator fails to block greenhouse gas regulation, but she had the company of six Dems, including Blanche Lincoln, (D?-Arkansas).
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Big Oil's go-to Senator fails to block greenhouse gas regulation, but she had the company of six Dems, including Blanche Lincoln, (D?-Arkansas).
Posted by
James Rowen
7:35 PM
When a Republican takes over in the Whitehouse at some point, I do not want to hear liberal scream that the excutive branch is over reaching its power and does not have proper congressional oversight. I do not want unelected people making energy rules that are going to drastically affect my energy costs.
This is all political, the EPA is the one that decided that CO2 is a dangerous polutant under the Clean Air Act, and now they are free to make the rules. This is way too much power, I would think as a lib you would see this. But I guess, in your mind the end justifies the means. The only good thing about this is when a Republican takes over, this can be recinded by executive order, or a less radical EPA will be put in place.
And the Supreme Court's ruling that the EPA should be regulating greenhouse gases?
Yes, they are unelected, but it is part of a growing consensus that action is needed.
I belei$ve that the supreme court said that Co2 CAN be regulated under the Clean Air Act if the EPA determines that it is a dangerous polutant.
When energy costs skyrocket as BHO said they will, Obama and the rest of the radical Dems will be history. Look at the out cry when gas went up to $4 a gallon.
November cannot come fast enough.
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