Saturday, June 12, 2010

Here Is BP's Video Of The Undersea Gusher - - In High Def

But initially withheld from the public.

Link to a short piece of the video, here.


Anonymous said...

yes but...

Some say that the cutting of the pipe caused an increase in flow so the capturing of a fraction of the gusher is only to the benefit of BP NOT "the Planet". AND there's also speculation that there are several leaking cracks in underground section of the pipe which, if so, will not be visible in this camera angle. You've probably heard all that but it bears repeating as we watch this belated video while the BP execs transfer their cash and families and set up mansions on the Cayman Islands. Next to a spring-fed lake, which they will buy up all rights to causing the local villagers to die of dehydration.
But it was so helpful of them to release this video, eh?

James Rowen said...

Helpful? Yes, but it took Congressional pressure for BP to acknowledge they had the better video, and release it.

Imagine what we'd be hearing from the British if a US company killed eleven British citizens in a well explosion in the North Sea, then fouled the beaches and fishing there.

And got all chippy when the US company fumbled the gusher capping but still wanted to pay out billions in dividends to US shareholders!

Anonymous said...

You should watch this video clip to get the real BP position on this spill, and all spills and tragedies they are responsible for. BP is typical of powerful corporations who prey on the weaklings in Congress who make the laws that support this type of corporate weasels.

In the words of BP, “It’s not my fault.”

Anonymous said...

You should watch this video clip to get the real BP position on this spill, and all spills and tragedies they are responsible for. BP is typical of powerful corporations who prey on the weaklings in Congress who make the laws that support this type of corporate weasels.

In the words of BP, “It’s not my fault.”