Airline Officials Support More Passenger Rail
Because air travel is getting too costly and infrequent between many US cities.
Scott Walker...Mark Neumann...and others threatening to derail passenger train upgrades in the Midwest: are you listening?
A forum, news site and archive begun in February, 2007 about politics and the environment in Wisconsin. And elsewhere.
Because air travel is getting too costly and infrequent between many US cities.
Posted by
James Rowen
12:11 PM
Anyone with a brain, and who believes the globe is warming, supports more rail! Good luck getting an ideologue like Scott Walker to listen to this support for rail! Tommy Thompson knew better.
That might actually have some relevance to Milwaukee if anyone was actually stupid enough to fly a commercial airline with end destinations in Chicago or Madison.
It would be much cheaper and faster to take one of the existing commuter buses.
You miss the point, Anon Jim. The Chicago-Milwaukee-Madison-Twin Cities route is a piece of a larger system.
And there are regional systems in development nationally.
The goal is good regional high-speed rail, developed over time, featuring short-to-medium mileage trip service as an alternative to flying or driving.
Too bad your "high-speed" rail isn't going to be by definition high-speed.
This is all moot anyways since this 19th century technology will in the end not be built for a number of reasons.
High-speed rail will get faster as improvements are made.
And modern rail in other countries runs faster; ours will get there in some stretches.
This is a national effort, as I know you know, so we are a piece of a bigger picture, with upgrades coming.
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