Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Moving in the 'right' direction...slowly, to the auto body shop

Despite the 'right direction' propaganda, we're close to the top of the lousy road index.

It's been something of a trend, as noted three months ago:
...while the state keeps building politically-enabled and pricey new lanes and wider ramps - - have you recently driven through the perpetual $1.9 billion 'improvement' to I-94 from Milwaukee to the Illinois border, or the $1.9 billion Zoo Interchange battle zone? - -  the condition of Wisconsin's roads are now rated third-worst in the nation, data show.
So how telling was it [yesterday] that busy State Highway 45 north of its connection to the Zoo morass was closed for hours because huge potholes had opened up on the pavement...
And that's the second time in recent weeks a major Southeastern Wisconsin 'freeway' was closed for emergency repairs because of dangerously large potholes. 

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